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Audiobooks from Audible app on the display of smartphone or tablet.
What Are the Best Alternatives to Audible?

In this blog, we dive into the world of audiobooks and discover the platforms that offer something just a little bit different than Audible.

Woman in a blue shirt standing behing a gold mic and pop filter, delivering an audiobook narration read.
How to Make an Audiobook [Independent Publishers]

How to make an audiobook—a definitive guide for independent publishers. Part 1 of 3: what to consider before going into production.

A man listening to an audiobook in a large room filled with natural light. Is he listening to an abridged or unabridged audiobook?
What’s the Difference Between Abridged and...

Abridged and unabridged audiobooks have their specific uses and very clear advantages and disadvantages. Learn about them here.

book spines array | Blog - Where clients and voice actors can find valuable information on pre-production, technology, animation, video and audio production, home recording studios, business growth, voice acting and auditions, celebrity voice actors, voiceover industry news and more!
Voice Acting
Strategic Publishing: Selecting the Right Titles for...

How does a publisher know if a book will be successful in an audiobook format? Read references from different publishers on their take.

Showing 1-4 of 4 Articles