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Google Text-to-Speech app on the display of smartphone or tablet
How does Google’s Text to Speech Work?

If you've ever wondered how Google’s TTS technology transforms mere text into lifelike speech, you’re in the right place.

Voice Acting
Google Home Actions Voice Over Script Examples

Need help building your first Google Home Actions? The best place to start is with a script. Check out these free voice over script examples.

AI voice in transportation represented by a driver in the car controlling the navigation tools.
Exploring the Impact of AI Voice in Transportation

Explore the transformative power of AI voice in transportation and learn how the technology is shaping the future of travel and logistics.

Dark-haired woman listening to audio recording generated from text to speech software at a museum
What Is Text to Speech Software Used For?

From finance to tourism, text to speech software is changing many professional fields. Discover the 5 key industries that have adopted TTS.

Blond-haired man wearing virtual reality headset
VR in 2020: How Life Went Virtual During the Pandemic

Virtual reality has taken off during the pandemic, and countless sectors are adopting the technology. Here's how VR is changing the world.

Virtual assistant concept with microphone icon and voice wave. Voice recognition, personal ai voice assistant, search technology. Logo design for Chat Bot or artificial intelligence. Vector illustration.
Top 14 Open Source AI Voice Projects

The open source AI community is leading the way and creating some of the best voice tools. We cover the top open-source AI voice projects. 

Man talking on cell phone while on a laptop
The Best Apps to Record Phone Calls

Whether you want to record a phone call for an interview or for training purposes, these are the best apps to get the job done.

Bearded man speaks into phone
Your Guide to Social Audio: Clubhouse & More

From Clubhouse to Twitter Spaces, social audio is on the rise. Here's everything you need to know about emerging voice-based social media.

Marketing Job Descriptions

Brand Manager Job Description Template The Brand Manager is responsible for our brand's image, experience, and promise. As Brand Manager, your role is to be...

YouTube Ad Scripts: What to Say in the First 5 Seconds

Five seconds isn’t a lot of time to make a lasting impression, but that’s precisely the challenge content creators face when crafting video ads for YouTube.

Woman sitting at a desk in front of a laptop, contemplating a serious issue
Best Project Management Apps for Creative Producers

Proejct management apps to help keep teams organized. But it's not one-size-fits-all. Here are the top 6 and who they're best suited for.

Image for best productivity apps
Voice Acting
Top 10 Best Apps for Productivity

In today's world of technological advances, there are many apps available to help you through the day. Here are the best productivity apps.

Showing 1-12 of 16 Articles